Friday, February 12, 2010

Shine on me

Yesterday, when I was outside pumping gas in this lovely five degree weather we've been having (I love Minnesota!), a striking young woman a few pumps down called over to me, “Congratulations on your pregnancy! That baby’s gonna be a real blessing!”
I smiled at her, said thank you, then joked, “I can hardly button my winter coat!” (Why couldn’t I just leave it at thank you?)
“Some women get a pregnancy glow, but girl, you absolutely SHINE," she told me.
“Thank you,” I answered, blushing.
As soon as I hung up the pump and drove away, I called Aaron to relay the compliment. I felt as giddy as a schoolgirl. Guess what, honey? Your wife doesn’t glow; she shines!
When you’re pregnant and cycling through a limited maternity wardrobe and your belly is big and round and your boobs have their own zip code and your skin is itchy and stretching and you can’t go up a flight of stairs without feeling winded and you aren’t sleeping well and you aren’t feeling exactly, um, sexy … a compliment goes a long way. The kindness of that one stranger made my whole MONTH.


willikat said...

I teared up reading that. i have noticed a LOT of random acts of kindness makes me so happy just to hear about them.

PS. I know you feel huge and achy and whatnot, but you do look amazing. :)

A. said...

You do SHINE!

CMS said...

Awww thanks, girls. Love you!