It's been five years (!!) since Aaron and I said "I do." What a wild ride it's been (And I wouldn't change a single thing.) I never forget how lucky I am to have married such a wonderful man. He truly is my best friend ... and a really great dad, too.
What are your middle names?
Michelle and Mark
How long have you been together?
We started dating in the spring of 2000
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Aaron started working at Lillie News in August of 1999, a year after I started.
Who asked whom out?
He asked me out.
How old are each of you?
I was born in 1975; he was born in 1973
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Probably mine (two brothers and a sister), although we see his two sisters and brother at least once a month.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Finding a work/parenthood/life balance
Did you go to the same school?
I took the direct route of graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 4 years, he took an indirect route to the University of Minnesota after going to UMD & joining the Army (Reserves) first.
Are you from the same hometown?
I grew up in North St. Paul, he grew up in Coon Rapids
Who is smarter?
I think we’re equally intelligent.
Who is the most sensitive?
That’s a toss-up.
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We don’t really have one specific place.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Whistler, B.C.
Who has the craziest exes?
Probably me, but I don’t like the word crazy. I’d prefer INTERESTING.
Who has the worst temper?
We’re both pretty laidback.
Who does the cooking?
Definitely Aaron — and he’s really good at it, too!
Who is the neat-freak?
Who is more stubborn?
Who hogs the bed?
Who wakes up earlier?
Me on weekdays; Aaron on weekends
Where was your first date?
Sophia’s on St. Anthony Main and then to Nye’s for polka!
Who is more jealous?
I would have said me in the beginning of our relationship, now I think we have a solid foundation of trust.
What was your worst fight?
Tacos vs. burritos. No, seriously, I can't remember a "worst fight." Any fight is a bad one. Who likes to fight with their s/o?
How long did it take to get serious?
A few months. I liked him from the very first conversation we had (after-hours) at the newspaper, and my crush grew when we became lunch buddies and workout buddies. (Shout out to the NSP Community Center!)
Who eats more?
He eats more when we sit down for dinner, but I snack more throughout the day.
Who does the laundry?
Both of us
Who is more social?
Me. I love meeting people and hearing stories. And staying at wedding receptions/reunions/parties until we're two of the last few standing. (Sorry, Aaron!)
Who is more spontaneous?
Who is more athletic?
Definitely Aaron ... but I enjoy playing softball and kickball and I'm glad I got back into running last year. Oh, and I'm a force to reckon with when it comes to ladder golf.
Who is more well-read?
I am, I am!
Who's better with the computer?
Aaron. He's better with all things technology. I just don't care that much. (I still use a flip phone & I don't text message. Is that so wrong?)
Who's more romantic?
Aaron. Every year on our anniversary he has sent me a bouquet of white tulips — the flower we used as centerpieces on our wedding day. And it's not just about receiving gifts, he's incredibly thoughtful, too. Sometimes the little things mean more than the big ones, ya know?
What was your wedding song?
"Power of two" by the Indigo Girls
What do you remember most about your wedding day?
Celebrating our love with our very favorite people in the world (when else can you host a big party with so many of your loved ones?), the girls getting ready together, our vows (we wrote our own), our soloist Brooke, dedicating songs to our wedding party in the party bus, stopping at the Liffey for Irish Car Bombs, heartfelt speeches, dancing the night away, feeling blessed and lucky and so, so, so happy!
"Adding up a total of a love that's true. Multiply life by the power of two ..."
1 comment:
I am so happy you mentioned the tacos vs. burritos. It made my whole day. :)
Seriously, though - congrats on 5 years! I can't believe it has been that long since your wedding!
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