1. What did you do in 2018 that you’d never done before?
The biggie for us was that we took a family trip to Disney World over Memorial Day weekend in honor of Adam’s 11th golden birthday - it was the first time on a plane and first time to the ocean for the boys. There may or may not have been a migraine and some puking during the landing. (Ya gotta be quick to open those barf bags in time!) Ben loved the flight ... put headphones on, slouched in his seat gangsta-style, and happily zoned out on “Captain Underpants.” The return flight was much less dramatic. Poor Adam.
I also helped play an integral role in planning my high school reunion (and, might I shamelessly add, helped pull off an EPIC party).
Oh! And then there was this: I got called into an unexpected meeting at 10 a.m. on a Friday morning at the end of July and—even before I could sit down in that tiny little office with my boss and the sweet, sweet HR lady—heard my boss say: “I have bad news. Your position has been eliminated. Your last day is today.” (Downsizing for financial reasons, not performance-related, I’ll walk with you to your desk, can you fit everything in this box? do you want to say goodbye to the team?, they’re all sitting over there in that conference room, are you going to be ok?, blahblahblah it’s all a blur).
Talk about feeling blindsided. There is so much more I want to say about that situation, but I’ll save it for another time.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don’t tend to make resolutions, but maybe I should resolve to change that? ;)
3. Did anyone close to you die?
Thankfully, no. Many FB friends lost parents this past year - a constant reminder that “children get older, and I’m getting older, too.”
4. Did anyone close to you have a child?
Kirsten had Linnea; Anna had Soren; Jess had Silas. I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. I got really, really excited about my friend Kelly's pregnancy announcement, too.
5. Where did you travel?
We ate and drank our way around the world! (We were in Epcot.)
In March we stayed at a resort in the Nisswa area and brought the boys skiing for the first time at Ski Gull. They LOVED it! • In May we went to Orlando with my best friend Tonya, Sam, and their little guy Evan (stayed at their condo), and then to Cocoa Beach, Fla. with my parents • in July we went to Crivitz, Wis. for our annual, much-anticipated July Fourth trip • and in August we went to O’Neil Creek Campground in Chippewa Falls for our annual family trip. Oh! And in the fall I had a college girls’ weekend away in Minocqua, Wis.
6. What would you like to have in 2019 that you lacked in 2018?
Financial security
7. What dates from 2018 will remain etched upon your memory?
July 30, 2018
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I realized that I’m stronger than I think.
9. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Just a bruised ego.
10. What was the best thing you bought?
Airfare and tickets to three Disney World parks + a condo in Cocoa Beach (expensive, yes, but worth it to go at least once when the kids are young!) At the risk of sounding like a crabby old lady, I don’t believe that Disney is the “happiest place on earth” (the crowds! the lines! the inflated prices! the dorky matching Disney attire!), but we did have a lot of fun, mainly on the rides. Highlights included The Haunted Mansion, Space Mountain, Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Once Upon a Time Castle Projection Fireworks Show (Magic Kingdom), Avatar Flight of Passage, Kilimanjaro Safari, Expedition Everest (Animal Kingdom), Test Track, Living with the Land, The Seas with Nemo, Journey into Imagination, and Soarin’ Around the World (**my favorite ride) (Epcot). We didn’t go to Hollywood Studios or Universal, and I regret that. We did make it to NASA, though, which was pretty cool. And we all loved footgolf at the condo (and the amazing lagoon/pool/waterslide area there) and time spent at Cocoa Beach.
11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Aaron. My rock. I am more in love than ever before.
12. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
13. Where did most of your money go?
Florida ... and SPORTS! 2018 was our first experience with traveling basketball and it is a whole different world than rec sports.
14. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Our trip to Florida + my high school reunion (having Tonya and Evan here for a few days was icing on the cake).
15. What song will always remind you of 2018?
“Keep Your Head Up” by Ben Howard or “Need the Sun to Break” by James Bay. That is SUCH a beautiful song. If you’ve never heard it, I highly recommend looking it up.
16. Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer?
a) Happier
b) Same
c) Poorer (but on an upswing!)
17. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Clipped coupons, spent time outside (I want to start a little garden - I say this every year), ate vegetables “on the reg”
18. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Social media ... but the curious part of my personality absolutely loves staying connected.
19. How did you spend Christmas?
I hosted the annual Christmas celebration with my high school girls, and for the first time in 28 years, I invited the menfolk. Why didn’t we do this sooner? We played “What the Meme” and laughed so hard our faces hurt. We had to whisper a few times when the kids were around, which made it even MORE funny. Such a totally inappropriate game. (Then again, my friend Jamie says my sense of humor is akin to a high school boy, so there’s that.)
I lucked out with those string sister friendships way back when. (We met in the Mesozoic Era.) HA HA
We were also blessed to be part of four family parties.
And I do mean blessed, even though that word can seem cliché. The older I get—the more I realize what a gift it is to genuinely enjoy your family’s company.
20. What was your favorite TV program?
Aaron and I are big fans of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and Catastrophe. The whole fam loves the Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, and Ellen. (Also SPORTS, SPORTS, SPORTS). After the bomb dropped this summer, and I had more afternoon free time, I binge-watched Girls (so good!) and Tell Me You Love Me (hot, hot, hot!). I also listened to podcasts for the first time! My Favorite Murder and In the Dark.
22. What was the best book you read?
Little Fires Everywhere by Celeste Ng
23. What was your greatest musical discovery?
I’m not sure that I “discovered” anyone new, but I did go to three very different concerts in the span of a few weeks: Sugarland with Aaron at the State Fair (country!), Metallica with Aaron, Russ and Katie at the X (rock!), and Ed Sheeran at US Bank Stadium with college friends (pop!).
24. What did you want and get?
Copywriting experience at an agency, a shorter commute, a change of scenery
25. What did you want and not get?
Control over how that chapter ended.
26. What was your favorite film of this year?
You mean the ONLY film I saw?!
It was Ralph Breaks the Internet. Cute movie. I still want to see A Star is Born, Roma, and The Favourite.
27. What did you do on your birthday in 2018?
On my birthday in 2018, which was actually two birthdays ago, we went to Stella’s for dinner. The weekend after my bday, a group of us went out following the annual friends/family ice fishing contest. I went to dinner with my string sisters, too, and we played bar bingo. (Yes, bingo. Is that a sign of getting older or what?! Just wait until I buy my very own dobber!)
28. What one [or three] thing[s] would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
1. A personal chef. I’ve said this before, but can you imagine the JOY of getting rid of nagging meal-time anxiety/guilt? Let someone else deal with it! Plus you’d have more free time, and (maybe) even wind up with a smaller waistline.
2. An indoor sport court to keep our basketball-obsessed boys entertained on cold or wet days.
3. Unlimited funds to spend with reckless abandon. Just once in my life I want to go on a shopping spree and not have to look at clearance racks and price tags.
If we’re talking something attainable, I’d love to have an Apple watch.
29. What kept you sane?
Aaron and my boys; encouragement, support, kind words, and job leads from so many wonderful people; quality time with my parents (two of my best friends); counting my blessings; lunches and dinners with girlfriends; venting sessions with Mandy; the YMCA.
Is it bad if I also say refreshing Bombay Sapphire with tonic water and lime?
30. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Still a fan of Ellen - not only is she incredibly funny and entertaining, but she’s making a real difference out there with her financial donations, and spreading a message of tolerance and kindness. (This world could use more of that.)
31. What political issue stirred you the most?
Just one? Has there ever been a time in history when there were SO MANY trashfires burning at the same time?!? Climate change, gun violence, sexism, racism, ethics in government.
32. Who did you miss?
I’m changing this to WHAT did I miss? Having close friends at work.
33. Who was the best new person you met?
I loved so many of the parents on Adam’s traveling basketball team. We formed our own little family.
34. What are you looking forward to in 2019?
More adventures. Owning my free time and giving the kids a carefree summer. Not having to stress over limited PTO! Feeling valued and appreciated on a professional level. (So far, so good.) Watching the boys grow in friendships, academics, basketball and baseball. Celebrating another anniversary with the love of my life. Family reunion in Chippewa Falls (June); South Dakota vacation (August). Parties, get-togethers, lunches, dinners, backyard bbqs with loved ones. Fingers crossed that everyone stays healthy in 2019.
35. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2018:
“When you’re in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you’ve been buried. Perhaps you’ve been planted. Bloom.”
I hope I can always see the silver lining and find things to look forward to, even when I have to look a little harder on some days.
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The most exciting Vikings game EVER! Long live the Minneapolis Miracle. Would've been fantastic to play in a Super Bowl HOSTED IN OUR OWN CITY, but hey, at least we'll always have this game. |
Annual family/friends ice fishing contest (my brothers are both photobombing). |
Ice fishing with Uncle Shawny |
My dad is in his happy place when fishing - doesn't matter the season. |
Out with my homies. Happy birthday to me. |
And why wouldn't you read Skippyjon Jones to an actual chihuahua? |
Wrapping up a victorious second grade season. (This seems so long ago!) Ben played rec ball in third grade, too (this year). His team was a mix of second and third graders, and he wasn't really challenged. He is SO ready for traveling basketball next year. |
Nine-card golf |
Last year of community ed ... everything changes with traveling. |
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First time taking the boys skiing - love at first run. Ski Gull was the perfect spot for beginners. (I rented skis and SO MUCH EASIER than snowboarding! I'll probably sell my board now. Sorry, snowboard. It wasn't you, it was me.) Adam didn't need lessons, he said he "watched the Olympics and knew how to do it." He was right. He was cautious and in control. Ben needed a little more help, but caught on after a few runs (and a few falls). They were both using the chairlift by the end of the day. I was kind of shocked by how confident they felt on skis. (Most kids don't seem as scared of falling as adults. They don't have as far to fall, and aren't concerned about breaking bones or pulling ligaments.) |
White tulips were our wedding centerpieces. Every year on our anniversary, Aaron sends me an arrangement. I love this tradition. For our 13th anniversary, I shared the joy by keeping the flowers on the front desk at work. (We needed all the promise of spring we could get with our relentless winter!) |
We had anniversary dinner plans, but then THIS happened, causing traffic jams and accidents. (Mid-April!) We decided to skip our hot date and stay home instead. Oddly enough, the view out my window looks VERY similar nearly a year later as I type this. Mother Nature has a warped sense of humor. |
Girls' Night Out in Stillwater ... so, so, so fun. We were able to get 13 awesome women together. It happened to fall on Kelly's birthday, so we sang to her at midnight. |
Let the baseball season begin! |
Student of the Month. Adam also received recognition, only they don't have a "ceremony" in fourth grade. (Their schools are split K-3 and 4-6.) |
First time (believe it or not) taking the kids to the Walker Art Center. |
Camping at Willow River with friends. Party on! Don't let the Dog Man find you! |
Celebrating Kyle's PhD from the U of M. We met Kyle and Rachel while camping in 2012. They've since moved to Boston - but we try to keep in touch. |
Book club friends hosted a baby shower for pal Jessica and her baby boy Silas. They all made the drive to Forest Lake for a book-themed brunch. |
Lake life with good friends |
Twins Josh + April with big bro Aaron - summer fun at April's place (always a good time with great people). Bonfires, lawn games, country music blaring, neighborhood kids out on their bikes or splashing in the pool, fresh mint from the garden for mojitos, kids running around barefoot, Mike cookin' something delicious in the smoker, sunshine, LOVE, LAUGHTER. |
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Grandma Patti, adored by all. |
Three generations of LOVE. My grandma turned 90 this year! We had a big party in her honor. |
We were parking the boat (or I promise Adam would be wearing his life jacket!) |
Cousins helping Grandma Patti at her garage sale. They all had jobs and they all took those jobs very seriously - it was a valuable lesson in customer service (Ben was a greeter) and money management (Adam added up the totals and helped figure out the change). Hoping it becomes an annual tradition. |
Aaron's summer project - expanding the patio. It turned out beautifully. (You'll just have to take my word for it. Or better yet, join us for a beer some time.) |
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Cocoa Beach, Florida with the BEST travel companions! We all get along so effortlessly and enjoy doing the same types of things while on vacation. I think the only thing my dad didn't get to do, that he would have loved to do, is go fishing. |
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Minnesota and Idaho reunited. Takin' Magic Kingdom selfies with my girl, T. |
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Fireworks + an incredible projection display on the castle at Magic Kingdom. This show was definitely a highlight for me. (We staked out our spot well over an hour before the show started.) |
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Our group at Animal Kingdom: MN, ID, DC represent! |
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Out of this world. |
It rained the day of Ben's birthday party, so we had to get creative with indoor games. |
Ben's 8th birthday party at our house - two kids were picked up before I thought to take a photo. #momfail |
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How did I get so lucky!?!? I ask myself this question 1.7 million times a day. |
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I was so relieved the weather cooperated for our high school reunion - held at an outdoor venue. It was a beautiful summer evening. |
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High school reunions wouldn't be nearly as much fun without these girls there. |
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Golfing in Wisconsin (isn't he cute?!). Such a patient golf coach, too. |
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Hangin' with my girl Holly - I love our time together. I don't know how she does it all - works FT as a pharmacist, has four really great kids, a respectful, loving marriage, works out on a regular basis, knows how to cook (well), garden (well), and hang drywall (they have multiple rental properties), and is one of the most generous people I have the honor of calling a friend. She's one of those always-on-the-go types, so it's nice to see her relax and just have fun over July Fourth. |
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Kids vs. Adults kickball |
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Definitely NOT Annie Oakley. |
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Camping with the fam at O'Neil Creek in Chippewa Falls - fun place with a TON of activities for all ages. The boys loved it. (And isn't that kind of the point?) They were always on the go - mini golfing, riding their bikes, playing at the park, jumping on the big inflatable pillow, playing basketball, swimming in the river, playing games in the arcade. |
My sister Mary's tradition = three candles, no matter your age. One for the past, one for the present, one for the future. Adam's birthday was special - his 11th golden bday! We were at the campground during his actual birthday, then celebrated with my sister's family, then had a sleepover party later on. I need to devote a post to what a wonderful kid Adam is ... too much to say in a little photo caption. Same with Ben. At the risk of sounding bragalicious, they're pretty amazing. |
Add another sport to the list. Why not? |
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Labor Day on the lake |
Cheeeese! |
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Adam's birthday sleepover. I so enjoy this age/grade. The boys spent hours playing outside, just like we did as kids. (Football, baseball, capture the flag, flashlight tag.) They're witty and sweet and lovable and smart and sometimes sassy, yet still innocent. |
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Ed Sheeran with UWEC college pals at US Bank Stadium - SO GOOD! Fun fact: Ben thinks the lyrics to "Thinking Out Loud" include "Take me into your Menards" instead of "Take me into your loving arms." |
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Surly tour with college friends (and my dad) ;) |
Hustlin' at the State Fair |
Adam, where are you?! His friend TJ was an old man and he was a gorilla. Apparently gorilla costumes don't photograph well at night. Ben changed his idea from "zombie banana" to regular ol' baseball player. |
My brother's knife-through-the-head was a big hit with the neighbor kids. And look! My dad has hair! |
Best Buy shoot for a Halloween Instagram feed, art-directed by Uncle Jeremy. An actual makeup artist transformed Ben into Frankenstein. The artist recommended getting Ben into modeling. Ben, unfortunately, had zero interest. Adam, however, was VERY interested. I think he was mostly intrigued by the snack table. ;) |
Jeremy calling the shots |
Our little astronaut and Frankie. Adam looked adorable; Ben looked ... LEGIT. |
We even went to an adults-only Halloween party this year! |
Making the most of a flexible schedule by "lunching" with pals A and K. It was my first time really checking out the U of M campus, Aaron's alma mater. The boys were in awe. I hope to get out there once or twice this summer, too! |
Cousin Sara in town from San Fran called for a last-minute get-together |
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Visiting Jods and W in Duluth |
Cheers to good beer! |
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You're NEVER too old for glitter. Annual college girls' weekend in Minocqua, Wis. |
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I'm really glad I have smart friends because I had no idea what I was doing in that escape room. |
Christopher and Em came over! I wish we lived closer. |
40th bday celebration for my SIL Amy |
I mustache you a question, Lucy. |
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Christmas hair! Our niece April has a killer sense of style. |
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I think they liked the drum set more than little cousin Brayden did. |
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My baby boy and my baby bro are so alike in so many ways. |
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Christmas Day with Aaron's side |
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Brother-vs.-sister coaches vs. cousin-vs.cousin players. What a fun tournament! |
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Annual gathering with the girls and their kiddos |
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Christmas with my side. My nephew calls my mom "Goggy" and wants to be around her at all times. He calls my dad "Papa" and me "Kiki" and Aaron "Unca" and Adam "Abba" and Ben "Beh." Kids make Christmas so much more magical. |
Second place finish! Aaron was recruited to coach and did a phenomenal job. I was so proud of him. Traveling basketball is a huge commitment. |
Adam was a natural on the court. We loved watching him play. |
Patience is a virtue, especially when at your big brother's games. |
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Celebrating Alex and Joni at a cabin in the woods. Happy bachelorette! |
Peace out, 2018. It's been real. |